Monday, April 8, 2013

Thursday: the aging rat

Unfortunately, rats can't live with us the rest of our lives. They will be gone before you know it. This is why you should give them the best life possible. If you don't clean their cage they will die sooner. If you don't feed them a healthy meal everyday, same thing. 

You know, they only have two or three years to live; female rats have even less time because of how fast they catch diseases and how fast tumors form on them.  truth be true they age very fast they are already mature when they are six weeks old. We are mature when we are 12 or 13 years old. That just shows you how little time you have with your rat. It is very saddening. I and probably you too have made the best of friends with your rat. You would do anything to keep it alive. I can say that easily without stuttering. You have to remember once they are dead you can't hold them and let you sniff your nose and tickle you with their whiskers every time they take their treat from your hand or greet you at the door to their cage. There eyes light up when they see you; the bulge with happiness. And I'm sure just like me this makes you so very happy. Maybe now that you know that you will give more time and attention to them. Imagine living all on your own for your whole life of even just a few years of your life. What would that feel like? It would be depressing. It will make you feel like your not wanted and it makes you feel alone. This is exactly what you would put your rat though if you don't give him the daily attention he needs. 

Think about this. Say you and your rat were born on the same day. When you turn ten you would have lived 3,650 days while your rat has only lived 42 days. Isn't that just sad? 

Okay so when you turn 100 years old you would have lived 36,500 days. While you rat has only lived 6 years or 2,190 days. So, as you can see rats have a very short life compared to use so stop your griping and keep your rat happy an healthy. 

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