Friday, November 2, 2012

Nanowrimo month!!

Yay! It's the time of the year when everyone gets to write a novel!!! November 1st all the way to the 30th you get to write your own novel! How often do you get to do that? Not very often! You can start doing it every year. Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month. You can write about anything you want. And you can challenge yourself with a goal. Mine is to reach 50,000 words! I know sounds pretty hard. But it's a great thing to do and it's really fun. I have been doing it for about three years now and I've only met my goal once but every year I go up in the amount of words that my goal is, unless I don't get it. Then I stay the same goal. This month I'm going to write about a werewolf story I will post it at the end of the month! You can try doing it too! Just click on this link: I promise you will enjoy doing it! 

The Nanowrimo group started in 1999 it only got 21 people to write. But by 2010 there were over 200,000 people writing! It doesn't matter how old you are. You can write at any age! I'd say that November is probable my favorite month of the year. That's how much I enjoy writing it. If you go to a school you might want to go for a smaller goal because you can't write in school because you have to do school. And you don't have very much time after school because you want to hang out with friends and you also have some homework to do! So I would go for a goal like 20,000 or 30,000 depending on how fast you can type or write. You can always go over this goal to finish the story. And if you make the goal you get a certificate to hang on your wall. That's going to make you proud! I hope you have fun doing it! If you have any questions just leave a comment! I will answer it as soon as I can.
Thanks for reading,


chilejack said...

That's great that you love to write, Coco! I'm looking forward to seeing your novel.

Jennifer K. said...

I'm glad you love writing your novel, too. And you're such a good writer! Thanks for explaining NaNoWriMo to everyone.

Coco said...

Sure! Thanks mom! I wouldn't be even close to as good as I am now if I didn't have you by my side!!