Thursday, January 31, 2013


In 1954, gerbils were brought to the United States to be used in research by scientists. They soon fell in love with them and took them home as pets. Later other people bought them too. Now there are over 100 different species of them and they are widespread. They are quite  popular pets too. 

Their life span is usually two to three years. They weigh two to four ounces and are about four inches long. Their tail is usually as long as their body but sometimes it can be longer or shorter. They can be many different colors  but their bellies are almost always tan. 

Gerbils have detachable tails. If their tail gets stuck underneath something or a predator comes by and snatches onto their tail they can shed it off. Pretty cool huh?

Gerbils in the wild eat fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. But when they aren't wild and they live in your house they usually eat gerbil blocks and stuff like that. 

When gerbils are stressed or excited they will thump their hind legs against the floor that they are on. If a baby gerbil does this it might not be because of stress, but because they have a lot of energy. 

And those are some facts about gerbils!
Here is my drawing:

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