Monday, January 14, 2013


Our sweet little Jo,

Oh Jojo. Jojo is a really sweet little fella. Unfortunately, two days before Christmas little Joey passed away. He had hundreds of tumors in his kidney and many other places were being swarmed by tumors.

Let change the subject to a more happy thing: Like Jojo's personality. One time he got onto our end table right by our couch when we were watching T.V.! Yeah! He just walked right on top of it, that silly little goof. We still laugh about it. 

Jojo always was uncomfortable with other dogs around. At the dog park everyone got a good laugh off of him! He chased all dogs. Even if they were 5 times his size! They were all scared of that little Jo. 

He was a nice little lap dog. Whenever my mom crocheted he was always by her side. My mom sure does miss that. 

Before we saved him from -9 degree weather we think he might have lived with a truck driver. When we first got him he sat in my lap the whole way home. But... After we got home I had to take a shower, he stunk so bad! We also had to wash him about 5 times before he stopped stinking. 

One time Marty, my other dog scared him when I was working at my desk in my room, the next thing I knew he was right on top of my work! That Jo was a good jumper.

He really did love to pee in my room. He wasn't potty trained when we first got him that is for a fact! He got so much better though.

We miss that little Jo...
Here are some good pictures I got of him:
In Memory Of Jojo
We are about to take him to the dog park. He is looking out of the back of our pick-up truck. 
Marty is hugging him with his back feet! Jojo doesn't even care!!

The old paw-lifting trick.:D
Here is a picture of him sitting by  my mom while she crochets.
He loved this pillow.

Minnie! Don't eat him!!!!

In this picture you can see a trace of his underbite. His lips got stuck in his teeth constantly!

Here I am hugging him. This is around the time we first got him.
I'm holding him. This is a few weeks before he passed away.
He always had trouble chewing these things!
Such a goof!
                                       Here I am holding him again.
What a cutie!

A nice long walk.
This is Jojo a few days before he passed away. I called him a Christmas miracle.

Here is Jojo in his dog diaper!:D
We Love you Jojo!
And here is my drawing of him: 

Here is another drawing of him. I did this one while back. It is drawn with chalk and pencil.

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